About Us
Our Mission
To foster inclusive communities where individuals with disabilities have equitable opportunities to participate in every aspect of life to the best of their abilities and desires, especially individuals of color with multiple marginalized identities, through education, advocacy, and support services.

Our Vision
A society where individuals with disabilities and their families learn, live, play, work, and thrive.
We believe that the desire to be a meaningful part of society is inherent in all of us regardless of ability. By working to create a more inclusive community, we create a society that can think more creatively and flexibly and be welcoming of all.

Our History
ALAS, began in June 1997 as a support group for non-English speaking mothers of children with special needs. These mothers were frustrated by the lack of services and information available in their native language. These mothers reached out to others in the same situation and created a support and information network. 27 years later ALAS is a non-profit organization that serves the needs of over 700 families in Milwaukee.